If there is a word that has never been more relevant in the past few years, it is “resilience”. We have all collectively been challenged in this area, including kiddos. Kids have faced so many challenges in the past couple of years. Just think about it. They, for a time, were away from school and largely away from their normal routines and their friends. And then, they were back but adjusting yet again. We also have so much pressure in our culture that impacts kids and forces them to know too much, at too young of an age. Now, I likely sound very doom and gloom right now, but the reality is that resilience is more important than ever. The most important reality though, is that The Word of God speaks to these uneasy times. In fact, you could say it speaks to it more than we might think. In the month of May, your 1-5th graders are learning all about what God’s Word tells us about resilience, and how we can apply that to our lives. In week 1, we looked at Matthew 28:16-20 and Acts 1-2 and talked about how the disciples were nervous, disappointed, and confused when Jesus died on the cross. But Jesus rose again and he gave the Great Commission, and He also promised His Holy Spirit. He Promised that it would come down (Acts 2) and would be our advocate and help in times of need. This all gave tremendous hope to His followers. He is our source of resilience. Our memory verse, Isaiah 40:31 (NlrV) gives us a picture of what resilience truly means:
“But those who trust in the Lord will receive new strength. They will fly as high as eagles. They will run and not get tired. They will walk and not grow weak.”
The Bible offers a beautiful distinction between the resilience that the world understands and the resilience that God calls us to have. According to Scripture, resilience isn’t from our own will power, or our own ability to push through. It is from our Trust in God. When we trust in Him, HE becomes our source of strength, or resilience. What a beautiful Truth that our kids can understand at a young age. What would it look like for our kiddos to not just have a head knowledge of why they should trust in God, but a heart commitment to committing their confidence to Him. That is why, this month, our curriculum is centered around different characters in Scripture who learned to have tremendous resilience. The hope is that your kiddo can find some practical ways they can apply these stories to their own lives. You, as their parents, are their BIGGEST spiritual influence. So I want to encourage you and say that our role in City Kids is to partner with you and come alongside you in the process of helping kiddos understand these truths! That is why we encourage you to engage with the Parent Cue app. The Parent Cue app is an incredible tool for you to be able to know what your child is learning each weekend, and to receive practical ways to connect with them. You don’t have to be a theologian to do this! You simply just need to take the first step. Parent Cue provides some awesome ways you can do this throughout the day:
Morning Time
As your kid starts their day, send them off with some encouraging words. Complete the following statement: “I hope you know…”
Drive Time
While on the go, ask your kid: “What was the best part of your day today? What was the words part of your day?
Meal Time
At a meal this week, ask everyone at the table: “What is something you like to always have with you?”
Bed Time
Pray for each other: “God, help us to remember that we are never alone. When we feel lonely or overwhelmed, remind us that You are always with us.”
These practical tips are meant to start the conversation with your 1-5th grader. I truly believe that God can lead those moments when we simply make the connection. As we go through this month, check out the Parent Cue app each week to find a new set of tips, along with devotions to do with your kiddo and even encouragements for you as the parent! If you have any questions, or if there is any way that City Kids can be a resource to you, feel free to send me an email at jeremiah.storkson@citychurchok.com